2023 VyStar Duval County Teacher of the Year semifinalists announced


Jacksonville,Fla. bwin时时彩平台会自豪地宣布了2023年VyStar Duval县年度教师的15名半决赛选手. 

这些教师将被认为是该县最高教学荣誉的决赛选手,所有15名教师将参加JPEF的教师领导计划, 一个专业学习社区,将教师领导与公平和学校质量的最佳实践联系起来. JPEF很自豪能继续与VyStar信用合作社合作,作为该县最高教学荣誉的冠名赞助商.

JPEF will host the 32nd EDDYA wards on Friday, Feb. 10 at the Hyatt RegencyJacksonville Riverfront.

See the full list of semi-finalists below!

Julia Mayeshiba – Andrew Jackson High School

  • Four years teaching
  • Physics and algebra
  • She always goes the extra mile for her students, 比如放学后待到很晚,以确保每个人都能得到他们需要的帮助,并为年底的FSA做准备. In addition to this, she also serves as the senior class sponsor, 计划一些活动,比如大学和职业早餐,帮助我们探索第二职业的选择. 她总是把学生放在第一位,确保他们有成功的机会.”- Former student 

Amy Take – Alden Road

  • More than 25 years teaching experience
  • Exceptional student education
  • “Ms. Take的课堂教学方法以同情为导向,同时要求学生在成长和学习方面达到高标准. 她创造性地利用学生个人的学习风格,确保她的学生每年都有显著的成长.” – Principal

Lauren Smith – Baldwin Middle-Senior High School

  • Teacher for 7 years
  • 数学 and 8th 年级 class sponsor  
  • 在使用最新的教学策略和技术的同时. Smith can still reach a troubled or struggling student with simple, yet profound, motherly instincts and empathy coupled with complete professionalism. Likewise, 由于她所追求和掌握的专业发展经验和创新,她可以加速和挑战她最聪明的学生.” – Assistant Principal

Gloria-G比赛 Taylor – Beauclerc Elementary

  • 6 years of teaching experience
  • 5th 年级 science teacher
  • Ms. Taylor has a calling for her life and that calling is teaching, which she exquisitely balances with her role as a coach, 导师, 朋友, and colleague. 她教导学生追求卓越,热爱学习,尊重彼此. Moreover, she teaches us all to give our best to students, to remember to smile, to have faith, 永远不要忘记,这个行业的风暴往往能带来阳光,并在我们的学生的生活中产生成长.”- Principal

Denitra Deas-Jay – Englewood High School

  • 7 years of teaching experience
  • 2nd 年级 GEAR UP teacher
  • “夫人. Jay’s impact is felt everywhere at EHS and beyond. You can find Ms. Jay having a one-on-one with a student during lunches, 在教室里走来走去,观察她的学生,并要求他们做正确的事情, and decorating the hallways in various themes each month, because she wants our school to always feel like a home. You can find Ms. 周杰伦指导她的舞蹈团,不仅专注于舞蹈编排,还教我们的年轻女士们如何表演和穿着有格调和风格.” - Principal

Katrina Faye Bias – Garden City Elementary

  • 15 years of teaching experience
  •  Varying Exceptionalities teacher, 3rd-5th 年级
  • “She is a beacon of light on the craziest of school days! 总是愿意帮助,倾听和支持她的学生和其他工作人员在花园. 当涉及到政策和程序时,她努力第一次就把它做好. She is willing to find the answers by any means necessary, attending classes, doing research, making phone calls and sending emails. When she works with her students, she prepares lessons that hit the mark the first time, keeping them engaged and working towards their goals.” – Parent and colleague 

Ashley Watkins – J. Allen Axson Montessori

  • 9 years teaching
  • 1-3 年级 inclusion teacher
  •  “In her classroom students take ownership of their learning. 她为学生们安排机会,让他们在不同的小组中进行团队建设. 她观察到害羞的学生通过她为他们计划的许多教育机会,在她的课堂上成为强有力的领导者.” - Principal

Cadijha Anderson-Robinson - James Weldon Johnson

  • 5 years of teaching experience
  • 数学
  • “她是一位了不起的教育家,能和她这样的人一起工作,我真的很幸运. 我独自见证了她帮助我的女儿,在她不知疲倦和无私的工作下,我的女儿能够通过她的国家考试并进入她选择的高中. 由于她愿意付出时间,她帮助了无数的青年男女,使他们的生活发生了积极的变化, positive attitude, and herself.” – Fellow teacher

Schnell Bernavil – KIPP Voice Academy

  • 6 years of teaching experience
  • 2nd 年级
  • 言语无法表达我对这位老师的感激之情. She is a great 导师 and educator to her kids. Ms. 伯纳维尔对她的工作非常投入,她的表现超出了老师的期望. She is always well-organized and she has a very creative style of teaching.” – Parent of former student

Latoria Hawkins -Landmark Middle School

  • 3 years of teaching experience
  • 7th 年级 science teacher
  • “She is the teacher that uplifts her children, by staying late to call home with positive news to provide encouragement, not only to the student, but to the parent/guardian as well. Latoria is the teacher who provides a fresh, new start to every student, every day, 因为她知道她的孩子们可能正在进行一场她不知道的战斗. She is the teacher who always advocates for her children. That every child, regardless of capability, 比赛, 任何其他决定因素都值得拥有最好的教育经验.” – Fellow teacher

Emma Dubisky – Madarin Oaks Elementary

  • 10 years teaching experience
  • Kindergarten
  •  “I can tell you that the students who have had Ms. 杜比斯基在他们的教育生涯之初就将改变世界. These students exude confidence and compassion. They are able to problem solve and resolve conflict at a complex level. These students take accountability and ownership of their learning. 他们充满了对学习的热爱,这种热爱只有最熟练的教育者才能培养出来.” - Principal

Kristin Radzelovage -Enterprise Learning Academy

  • 14 years of teaching experience
  •  3rd 年级 math & science teacher and ESOL inclusion
  • “Ms. Radzelovage创造了一种文化,让学生们每天都参与并期待着来学校. 她与学生的关系总是积极的,她始终表现出真诚的关心和关心她的学生作为个人. In the many times I have visited her classroom, 离开时,我对课堂上存在的学习文化以及她与学生互动的高水平提问和讨论充满敬畏. 很明显,学生们不怕冒险,她对待每个学生都像对待自己的孩子一样.” - Principal

Andrew Lodge – San Mateo Elementary

  • 3 years of teaching experience
  • 音乐
  • “安德鲁·洛奇真的致力于与学生和家长建立持久的关系. 他对音乐的热爱是显而易见的,因为他努力让学生接触不同类型的音乐,并允许他们使用他们的创造力. 他在课前和课后都投入了大量的时间来帮助学生,并挑战学生的思维.” – Fellow teacher

Christa Fry – Thomas Jefferson Elementary

  • 14 years teaching experience
  •  3rd 年级 ELA teacher
  • “Christa’s enthusiasm is contagious! 有很多次我经过她的教室,听到她读故事时声音里的热情. 它只是把我从我的思想中拉出来,进入她的课堂,让我希望我能花一分钟,坐在自己参与. 我真的相信,她的热情也会在学生身上点燃火花,吸引他们.” – Parent and colleague

Dr. Argel Hipol – Westside High School

  • 12 years of teaching experience
  • Biology
  • “Dr. Hipol has a calling in his life, that calling is teaching. 他教导学生追求卓越,热爱科学,尊重彼此. He teaches his peers to give their best for their students, to wear a smile, to have faith, and to develop relationships with their students.” - Principal




of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.